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Welcome to Star Light Service Ltd! We clean kitchen filters! aaaa1

Are you looking for someone to clean the filters, flue, kitchen? aaaa2

We provide commercial and residential cleaning services in Auckland. We clean filters, flue, fan, and more! Our cleaning techniques and services provide you a safe, healthy and happy working environment for your employee, your customers, and your home.For commercial kitchen: Clean the filters: If you are a heavy user: we recommend cleaning your filters every week.If you are a standard user: we recommend cleaning your filters every two weeks.If you are a light user: We recommend cleaning your filters every four weeks.If you are a super light user: You can choose to clean your filters every eight weeks.Annual inspection:Your restaurant, cafe or any commercial kitchen is required to have someone issue you an building safety warranty, it normally last for twelve months. It is for your benefit and your customers’ benefits to get a building safety warranty (kitchen) for safety issues. If you want the building safety warranty for your kitchen, you must have the following items to be cleaned: Filters, Range-hood, Flue (i.e. Duct) and fans. We recommend hiring the professionals to clean your filters, hood, ducts, fans. Please refer to our commercial kitchen service for more information. aaaa3

Quality Kitchen Cleaning Services 优质的厨房清洁服务

  • Filter 过滤网

    The filter plays an important role in your kitchen exhaust system, it filters out fat, grease before the evacuation of the odors, smoke, and heat.... 过滤网在你的厨房排气系统中有着重要的作用, 在不好的气味, 烟雾和热量被疏散之前它过滤掉脂肪, 油脂...

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  • Kitchen Exhaust System 厨房排气装置

    Your kitchen exhaust system is crucial for the treatment of odors, grease and smokes. Fail to regulates the system can lead to fire hazard, air... 你的厨房排气系统是针对气味, 油脂和吸烟的治疗的重要关键. 无法调节系统可能会导致火灾隐患, 空气污染和员工抑郁...

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  • Other services 其他服务

    Our cleaning services: Kitchen equipment including, but not limited to stove cook-top, pots, trays; Surfaces including awning, ceilings... 我们的清洁服务包括但不限于: 厨房设备, 炉烹调顶, 锅, 盘: 表面包括遮阳篷, 顶棚, 墙壁和地板...

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Star Light Service? 星光服务有限公司?

Certification of building warranty: aaaa4

We are recognized by the city council, and we are IQP registered for cleaning parts of mechanical ventilation and air conditioning system. aaaa5

We care about our customers: aaaa6

We prioritize our customers' well-being, ensuring the highest standards in cleaning mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems, as recognized by the city council and our IQP registration. aaaa7


Landline: 座机电话:

E-mail: 电子邮箱:

Address: 公司地址:

Mob:027-7712777 Tel:09-6222899 / 0800326688


38 Galway Street,
Auckland 1061


Mon-Fri 10:30am - 4:30pm 周1 - 周5 (10:30am - 4:30pm)

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