Commercial Kitchen Cleaning 商 业 厨 房 清 洁

Kitchen Exhaust System 厨房排气装置

Your kitchen exhaust system is crucial for the treatment of odors, grease and smokes. Fail to regulates the system can lead to fire hazard, air pollution and depression for your staff.

Our technique to clean the system is like none other in Auckland, we will provide you a safe and clean working environment for yourself and your staff.

Our Service includes: 

Cleaning services: Hood, duct, and fans. 

Contact us now.

你的厨房排气装置是针对气味, 油脂和吸烟的治疗的重要关键. 无法调节系统可能会导致火灾隐患, 空气污染和员工抑郁. 我们清洗的技术在奥克兰是一流的, 



清洁服务: 罩, 风管和风扇.
