Commercial Kitchen Cleaning 商 业 厨 房 清 洁
Filter 过滤网
The filter plays an important role in your kitchen exhaust system, it filters out fat, grease before the evacuation of the odors, smoke, and heat.
As the fat and grease build up on the filter, it can no longer work efficiently like the new filter, therefore, your kitchen is endangered with the fire hazard.
Our Services:
We use our specialized tool to clean the grease filter, we provide weekly, fortnightly and monthly services.
If you need to replace or clean your filters, contact us now.
过滤网在你的厨房排气系统中有着重要的作用, 在不好的气味, 烟雾和热量被疏散之前它过滤掉脂肪, 油脂.由于脂肪和油脂堆积在过滤网, 它不能再有效地工作, 如新的过滤网,
因此, 导致您的厨房会有火灾的风险.
我们使用专门的工具来清洁过滤网, 我们提供每周, 每两周和每个月的服务.
如果需要更换或清洗你的过滤网, 现在请与我们联系.